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AP World History Chapter 16 Atlantic Revolutions, Global Echoes Flashcards

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10831239801abolitionist movementmovement succeeded in condemning slavery as morally repugnant and ending it in much of the world0
10831239826Creoles/ Native-born elites in the Spanish colonies.1
10831239802Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizenequal rights ideologically launched the French Revolution.2
10831239803Declaration of the Rights of WomanOlympe de Gouges (1791) argument must include women.3
10831239804Estates GeneralFrench representative assembly called into session by Louis XVI4
10831239805FreetownWest African settlement in Sierra Leone for freed Africans5
10831239806French RevolutionFrench society overthrew the monarchy6
10831239807gens de couleur libresfree people of color described freed slaves - and mixed racial background7
10831239808Haitiformer French colony of Saint Domingue8
10831239809Haitian RevolutionOnly successful slave rebellion in world history9
10831239810Hidalgo-Morelos rebellionSocially radical peasant insurrection that began in Mexico10
10831239811Latin American revolutionsSeries of risings in the Spanish colonies11
10831239812Louverture, Toussaintleader of the Haitian Revolution12
10831239813maternal feminismwomen have value in society as mothers13
10831239814Napoleon BonaparteFrench head of state (1799 -1814) abdication (and again briefly in 181514
10831239815NationClearly defined territory whose people have a sense of common identity and destiny, thanks to ties of blood, culture, language, or common experience.15
10831239816NationalismPart of a "nation" with a unique culture, territory, and destiny century.16
10831239817North American RevolutionSuccessful rebellion conducted by colonists in North America17
10831239818petit blancs"little" (or poor) white population of Saint Domingue18
10831239819Seneca Falls Conferencefirst organized women's rights conference19
10831239820Elizabeth Cady StantonLeading early women's rights figure20
10831239821The TerrorRadicals (revolutionary) violence under leadership of Maximillion Robespierre21
10831239822Third Estate98 percent of the French population22
10831239823Tupac AmaruThe last Inca emperor23

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