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13726266955a causa debecause of0
13726266957ahora mismoright now2
13726266958al considerarupon consideration of3
13726266959al parecerin my opinion4
13726266960a pesar de todoin spite of everything5
13726266961claroof course6
13726266963de ninguna maneraby no means8
13726266964do todos modosat any rate9
13726266965en cuanto aregarding10
13726266966en vista de queconsidering that11
13726266967hace pocoa short while ago12
13726266968hasta la fechauntil now13
13726266969hay que tomar en cuenta queone must realize that14
13726266970hoy díanowadays15
13726266971lo esencial eswhat is essential is16
13726266972lo que importa eswhat matters is17
13726266973sin dudawithout a doubt18
13726266974sobre todoabove all19
13726266975además (de)in addition20
13726266976a la misma vezat the same time21
13726266978con respecto awith respect to23
13726266979conforme aaccording to24
13726266980constar queto make know that25
13726266981de ahora en adelantefrom now on26
13726266982el hechoin fact27
13726266983el caso esthe fact is28
13726266984el hecho de quethe fact that29
13726266985es decir quethat is to say30
13726266988las razones por las quethe reasons for which33
13726266989mientras tantosin the meantime34
13726266991o seathat is to say36
13726266992para continuarto continue37
13726266993para ejemplificarto exemplify38
13726266994para ilustrarto illustrate39
13726266995por añadidurabesides40
13726266996por esotherefore41
13726266998para emezarto begin43
13726266999al principioat the beginning44
13726267000a partir debeginning with45
13726267001como punto de partidaas a starting point46
13726267002en primer lugarin the first place47
13726267003al contrario dein contrast to48
13726267005a pesar de quedespite50
13726267007comogiven that52
13726267008de la misma manerain the same way53
13726267009de lo contrariootherwise54
13726267010de otro modoon the other hand55
13726267011en vez deinstead of56
13726267012es cada vez másit is increasingly...57
13726267013no obstantenevertheless58
13726267014por la mayor partefor the most part59
13726267015por motivo quefor the reason that60
13726267016por un ladoon one hand61
13726267017sin embargohowever62
13726267019sino quebut rather64
13726267020tanto mejoreven better65
13726267021Ante estoIn light of this66
13726267022Al parecerSeemingly67
13726267023Al considerarUpon consideration of68
13726267024Así queThus69
13726267025Como consecuenciaAs a consequence70
13726267026Como resultadoAs a result of71
13726267027Debido aBecause of72
13726267028De manera queSo that73
13726267029En todo casoIn any case74
13726267030Por consiguienteConsequently75
13726267031Por ese motivoFor this reason76
13726267032Por lo tantoHence77
13726267033Puesto queAs78
13726267034Resulta aIt turns out that79
13726267035Se debe tomar en cuentaOne must take into account80
13726267036Sigue queIt follows that81
13726267037Ya queNow that82
13726267038A fin de cuentasIn the end83
13726267039Al finAt last84
13726267040Al fin y al caboWhen all is said and done85
13726267041Ante todoFirst of all86
13726267042De lo anterior, se ve queFrom the above, it is clear that87
13726267043De todas formasAnyway88
13726267044De todo esto se deduce queFrom the above, we can deduce that89
13726267045De todos modosAt any rate90
13726267046En breveBriefly91
13726267047En definitivaDefinitely92
13726267048En finIn short93
13726267049En resumenIn summary94
13726267050En resumidas cuentasIn short95
13726267051En todo casoIn any case96
13726267053Lo esencial esWhat is essential is98
13726267054Mejor dichoRather99
13726267055Para terminarTo end100
13726267056Por últimoLastly101
13726267057Por siguienteThus102
13726267059Estimida/oDear (formal)104
13726267060Querida/queridoDear (informal)105

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