11826559896 | los hijos | offspring | 0 | |
11826559897 | los niños | children | 1 | |
11826559898 | los jóvenes | young people | 2 | |
11826559899 | los adolescentes | adolescents | 3 | |
11826559900 | los adultos | adults | 4 | |
11826559901 | los mayores | older folks | 5 | |
11826559902 | los ancianos | really old people | 6 | |
11826559903 | los antepasados | ancestors | 7 | |
11826559904 | la herencia | inheritance / heritage | 8 | |
11826559905 | los parientes | relatives | 9 | |
11826559906 | experimentar | to experience | 10 | |
11826559907 | el guardián | guardian | 11 | |
11826559908 | firmar | to sign | 12 | |
11826559909 | el apellido | last name | 13 | |
11826559910 | la dirección | address | 14 | |
11826559911 | el domicilio | home | 15 | |
11826559912 | la fecha de nacimiento | birth date | 16 | |
11826559913 | el país de origen | country of origin | 17 | |
11826559914 | la etnia | ethnicity | 18 | |
11826559915 | el destino | destination | 19 | |
11826559916 | el milagro | miracle | 20 | |
11826559917 | los gemelos | twins | 21 | |
11826559918 | el divorcio | divorce | 22 | |
11826559919 | el matrimonio | marriage | 23 | |
11826559920 | el estado civil | marital status | 24 | |
11826559921 | soltero | single | 25 | |
11826559922 | jurar | to swear | 26 | |
11826559923 | rehusar | to refuse | 27 | |
11826559924 | la amistad | friendship | 28 | |
11826559925 | el aprendizaje | learning | 29 | |
11826559926 | la enseñanza | teaching | 30 | |
11826559927 | el comportamiento | behavior | 31 | |
11826559928 | la confianza | confidence | 32 | |
11826559929 | tener confianza | to be confident | 33 | |
11826559930 | convivir | to cohabitate / coexist | 34 | |
11826559931 | la ciudadanía (mundial) | (global) citizenship | 35 | |
11826559932 | discapacitado | handicapped | 36 | |
11826559933 | diverso | diverse | 37 | |
11826559934 | el rasgo | trait / feature | 38 | |
11826559935 | la edad | age | 39 | |
11826559936 | elogiar | to praise | 40 | |
11826559937 | la empatía | empathy | 41 | |
11826559938 | la fortaleza | strength | 42 | |
11826559939 | la debilidad | weakness | 43 | |
11826559940 | la gratitud | gratitude | 44 | |
11826559941 | agradecer | to thank | 45 | |
11826559942 | la humildad | humility | 46 | |
11826559943 | el idioma | language | 47 | |
11826559944 | el reto | challenge | 48 | |
11826559945 | el riesgo | risk | 49 | |
11826559946 | la solidaridad | solidarity | 50 | |
11826559947 | alentar | to encourage | 51 | |
11826559948 | delegar | to delegate | 52 | |
11826559949 | instruir | to instruct | 53 | |
11826559950 | imponer | to impose | 54 | |
11826559951 | inculcar | to instill | 55 | |
11826559952 | los valores | values | 56 | |
11826559953 | la moraleja | the moral (of a story) | 57 | |
11826559954 | las costumbres | customs | 58 | |
11826559955 | prometer | to promise | 59 | |
11826559956 | rechazar | to reject | 60 | |
11826559957 | estar dispuesto a | to be willing to | 61 | |
11826559958 | prepotente | conceited | 62 | |
11826559959 | cojo | lame | 63 | |
11826559960 | engreído | vain | 64 | |
11826559961 | el vínculo | link | 65 | |
11826559962 | el enlace | link | 66 | |
11826559963 | estar seguro | to be sure | 67 | |
11826559964 | ser seguro | to be safe | 68 | |
11826559965 | tuerto | one-eyed | 69 | |
11826559966 | manco | one-armed | 70 | |
11826559967 | bizco | cross eyed | 71 | |
11826559968 | boca arriba / abajo | face up / down | 72 | |
11826559969 | al azar | at random | 73 | |
11826559970 | irse / andarse por las ramas | to be all over the place (with thoughts) | 74 | |
11826559971 | ser el mero mero / la mera mera | the cream of the crop / haughty | 75 | |
11826559972 | no hay mal que por bien no venga | something good will come out of this | 76 | |
11826559973 | A mal tiempo, buena cara | smile through it | 77 | |
11826559974 | no manches | quit kidding around (vulgar) | 78 | |
11826559975 | ojos que no ven, corazón que no siente | out of sight, out of mind | 79 | |
11826559976 | A palabras necias, oídos sordos | foolish words fall on deaf ears | 80 | |
11826559977 | Hablando del rey de Roma (y ése se asoma) | Speak of the devil (look who just showed up) | 81 | |
11826559978 | menso | slow (mentally - Mx.) | 82 | |
11826559979 | necio | foolish | 83 | |
11826559980 | sordo | deaf | 84 | |
11826559981 | ciego | blind | 85 | |
11826559982 | a cada cerdo le llega su San Martín | He'll get his | 86 | |
11826559983 | inocente | innocent (naive) | 87 | |
11826559984 | impresionante | impressive | 88 | |
11826559985 | bobo / tonto | dumb | 89 | |
11826559986 | gracioso | silly / funny | 90 | |
11826559987 | genial | great | 91 | |
11826559988 | chido / chévere / padre / chulo | cool | 92 | |
11826559989 | ¡Qué ___! | How __! | 93 | |
11826559990 | significar | to mean | 94 | |
11826559991 | significativo | meaningful | 95 | |
11826559992 | de acuerdo con | in agreement with | 96 | |
11826559993 | para que | so that + subjunctive | 97 | |
11826559994 | como si | as if + past subjunctive | 98 | |
11826559995 | particular | individual(ized) | 99 | |
11826559996 | soler | to be in the habit of (suele) | 100 | |
11826559997 | tener razón | to be right (have reason) | 101 |
AP Spanish Language & Culture/Las familias y las comunidades Flashcards
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