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Chapters 2-3 AP World History Flashcards

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14739923524PrehistoryTime before writing0
147399235255000 years agoWhen was writing invented?1
14739923526Archaeologystudy of artifacts and relics of early mankind (helped us understand our past)2
14739923527ArtifactsObjects made by humans3
14739923528Written recordsWhat do historians rely more on than archaeologists?4
14739923529Old Stone Age (Paleolithic Age)the earliest period of human history5
14739923530NomadsPeople who move from place to place in search of food6
14739923531after lifeWhat did nomads most likely believe in?7
14739923532New Stone Age (Neolithic Age)10000 BCE to present day8
14739923533Farming and domestication of animalsWhat are two main features of the Neolithic age?9
14739923534Cities, governments, and religionWhat was found in early civilizations?10
14739923535River valleysWhere do the first cities emerge?11
14739923536BureaucracyA system of managing government through departments run by appointed officials12
14739923537Artisansskilled workers13
14739923538priests and noblesWhat group made up the highest classes in society during the beginning of civilizations?14
14739923539SlavesWhat group occupied the lowest social level during the beginning of civilizations?15
14739923540Migration, trade, and warfareIn what three ways does cultural diffusion occur?16
14739923541SargonWho invaded and conquered the city-states of Sumer? Also built the up first empire17
14739923591King of Babylon who established a major collection of laws "an eye for an eye"18
14739923542HittitesBrought new skills to the region. Learned how to extract iron from ore, invented iron tools and weapons19
14739923543Mesopotamia (now Iraq)Land between the Tigris and Euphrates river20
14739923544Fertile CrescentWhat was another name for Mesopotamia?21
14739923545Ur and ErechWhat are the two great Sumerian cities called?22
14739923546ZigguratsWhat were pyramid temples with shrines to the gods called?23
14739923547peasant farmersWhat was the majority of sumerians?24
14739923548WarWhere were most slaves captured?25
14739923549CuneiformWhat was the earliest known form of writing developed by Sumerians called?26
14739923550Number systemWhat else did sumerians develop?27
14739923551Helped cropsWhy were yearly crops important to ancient Egypt?28
14739923552Pyramid AgeWhat was the Old Kingdom of Egypt called?29
14739923553PharaohsAnother name for Egyptian rulers30
14739923554The after lifeWhat did Egyptians believe in?31
14739923555Middle KingdomDuring what period of the Nile was the problem with floods?32
14739923556NubiaWhere did the empire expand to during the Middle Kingdom?33
14739923557Hyksos (horse drawn chariots)Who invaded Egypt during the Middle Kingdom? With what?34
14739923558New KingdomDuring what period did the Egyptians start trading with other parts of the world?35
14739923559Africa and Middle EastWho did Egypt trade with?36
14739923560HatshepsutWho was Egypt's first queen? (First female ruler in the world) (wore a fake mustache as a sign of authority)37
14739923561Divine forces that controlled the after lifeWhom did Egyptians always try to appeal to?38
14739923562Amon ReWhat was the name of the sun god?39
14739923563god of the nile and underworldOsiris40
14739923564OsirisWho developed mummification?41
14739923565HieroglyphicsName of the picture writing used by Egyptians42
14739923566Hang He River Valley (River of Sorrow)Where did the first civilization emerge in China?43
14739923567Oracle bonesWhere is the oldest example of Chinese writing found?44
14739923568To predict the futureWhat was a use for Oracle bones?45
14739923569Gained control of a corner of northern China along Huang He RiverShang dynasty46
14739923570Zhou dynastyGroup that came from their kingdom on western frontier to overthrow the Shang Dynasty47
14739923571Mandate of HeavenWhat idea did the Zhou dynasty promote?48
14739923572Floods and famineWhat were some signs that the dynasty lost the favor of Heaven?49
14739923573FeudalismA system of government in which local lords governed their own lands50
14739923574YesIn history were the Chinese the most advanced civilization?51
14739923575IndiaWho had limited contact between other lands?52
14739923576Harappa and Mohenjo-Darowhat were the two main cities in the Indus River Valley? (became twin capitals"53
14739923577Were farmers and tradersWhat did majority people do for a living in the Indus Valley cities?54
14739923578Ecological or Natural DisasterWhy did Indus Valley cities decline around 1750 BCE?55
14739923579AryansWhat group from the North invaded Indus Valley cities?56
14739923580Horse-drawn chariots and had superior weaponsWhat did Aryans use?57
14739923581NoDid the Aryans build societies or monuments?58
14739923582VedasWhat was the collection of writings from Aryans called?59
14739923585VaisyasHerders and farmers62
14739923586Sudras (non Aryans)servants and laborers63
14739923587Hunter gatheringWhat did men take the lead in?64
14739923588HorticultureHoe-based agriculture65
14739923589Fertile CrescentWhat was the first area to experience a full Agricultural Revolution?66
14739923590Sahara in present day SudanWhere in Africa was their domestication?67

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