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AP Vocabulary Lesson 25 Flashcards

Terms : Hide Images
12272846036arcanesecret, mysterious0
12272846037artifactssimple objects showing human workmanship1
12272846038atoneto make amends2
12272846039callowimmature, inexperienced3
12272846040clamorloud noise or shouting4
12272846041countenanceto condone or to give approval5
12272846042dilettantean aimless and superficial follower of the arts, a dabbler6
12272846043forebodingpremonition of evil, an ominous omen7
12272846044hackone who forfeits professional integrity in exchange for money or reward8
12272846045impedeto interfere with or to obstruct the progress9
12272846046indubitablenot open to question or doubt10
12272846047invectivecritical or abusive language; violent abuse11
12272846048philanthropistone who tries to do good for mankind; lover of mankind12
12272846049precursorsomething that comes before, forerunner13
12272846050relishto take great pleasure or delight in14
12272846051rhetoricthe art of using words effectively in speaking or writing; inflated language15
12272846052rigorstrictness, severity16
12272846053somnambulista sleepwalker17
12272846054stymieto block, to present an obstacle18
12272846055tepidmoderately warm; lacking in passion, force, or animation19
12272846056unkemptdisheveled in appearance20
12272846057vacuouslacking content; marked by a lack of intelligence21
12272846058variegatedchanged in appearance by using or applying different colors22
12272846059vehementforcefully expressing emotion or conviction23
12272846060zealotone who embraces a cause and supports it with vigor24

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