4 Bottles of Protien Shake
10 Boxes of Pencils
3 Erasers
1 Car Insurance
100 Prep Books (AP, SAT, ACT, etc)
8 hours of sleep (per day)
30 Spiral Notebooks
4 Prom Dresses
3 Coolest Latest Cell Phones
1 Hottest Car
1 Acceptance to the BEST college out there
500 Volunteer Hours
20 reliable friends
5 Flawless Recommendations
0 Errors
wow, i was totally kidding, don't over burden yourself. Sometimes, the way our parents, teachers, siblings, colleges, counselors, and friends make it sound, you need to be perfect to get into the best college or to basically succeed in life. To the contrary, that is definitely not the way it is.
"You need those protein shakes to bulk up and play your best", quoted Coach Harrison. High school sports is an important field for many students, playing the best one could is important. Dedicating a considerable amount of time to work at is detrimental. To ruin your body by taking steroids, drinking shakes, and going on crash diets definitely negatively extraneous. Work hard time, have fun, and play your best, as long as you enjoy it and are dedicated to it, keep at it.
Pencils and Erasers: Work work work work. Teachers don't seem to ever stop. Even our summers are packed with work. But remember cramming will lead to negative performance and its important to hold good study habits. Prior to you even beginning to think about the process of studying, you must make a schedule. If you don't have a schedule or plan for studying, then you will not have any way of allocating your valuable time when the unexpected comes up. If your study period is before the lecture class, be sure you have read all the assignments and made notes on what you don't understand. If the study period is after the lecture class, review the notes you took during class while the information is still fresh. You can study anywhere. Obviously, some places are better than others. Libraries, study lounges or private rooms are best. Above all, the place you choose to study should not be distracting.
Car Insurance: A big part of high school is getting your license and permit. Remember, drive safely. Talk it over with your parents and make sure you have a time to practice driving so you can get your license. When you have restriction, be sure to follow them, if not, it can extend your time on finally getting your license to drive
Prom Dresses: Its an important day for many students, but you don't need to go to prom EVERY year. Schedule yourself and don't get caught up in the idea.
Cell Phones and Car: Its always nice to be the popular or cool kid, but senior year and college is an expensive several years. Getting fancy gadgets and squandering your money on such isnt always the best idea.
College: its nice to have high hopes, but options are even nicer. Have a reach school, definite schools, and safety schools. That way you can pace your self.
Volunteering/Internship: Yes, colleges look at these but one does not always have all the time in the world to dedicate to these areas, so going beyond whats needed is fine but make sure to allot enough time to meet other criteria and not over burden yourself with stress.
Friends: Having someone to rely on is important. Dont focus on yourself too much or your sport or your scholastic needs. Balance yourself and make sure you have friends who are there to support and love you. They can be your support group and will always be there for you. Just don't get to caught up in the networking web, you might get tangled.
Recommendations: These are a requirement for many colleges, so keep teachers in mind who can right you letters of recommendations. (just make sure they feel positive regard for your work before you give them the address to your colleges or universities.)
ERRORS?!: HAH! everyone know you learn from your mistakes, you don't need to be flawless to attend a prestigious school or university. Learn from your mistakes and try not to make them a second time
GoodLuck, and dont worry, i'm pretty sure you'll survive
- Sidd