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September 11, 2010
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September 11, 2010
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September 11, 2010
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5.- El ?rea mesoamericana.
La mayor parte de los emplazamientos mesoamericanos precolombinos se encuentran en lo que actualmente es M?xico.
5.1.- Periodo precl?sico.

Las culturas precl?sicas m?s importantes de M?xico fueron la olmeca y las culturas occidentales de Colima, Jalisco y Nayarit.

5.1.1.- Los olmecas.

September 11, 2010
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Statistics Review Test 1
College Now

Chapter 1:

? Data consists of information coming from observations, counts, measurements, or
responses. The singular for data is datum.

? Statistics is the science of collecting, organizing, analyzing, and interpreting data in order
to make decisions.

? A population is the collection of all outcomes, responses, measurements, or counts that
are of interest.

September 11, 2010
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Produced: Mastah E

Chemistry Review Sheet 1

? Chemistry is the study of matter and the changes it undergoes.
? A chemical is any substance that has a definite composition. This means it is

always made of the same stuff no matter where the chemical comes form.
Chemicals can exist naturally or be made.

? A chemical reaction is the process of which one or more substances are changed
to produce one or more different substances.

September 11, 2010
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Speed: The time rate of motion
Slope = change in distance/change in time (rise/run)

Scalar: the distance moved per unit of time
Average speed (scalar): the ratio of the total distance traveled to the total time

Total distance/elapsed time (m/s)
Instantaneous speed (scalar): the speed of an object at a particular moment in time

The slope of the line that is tangent to the curve at a given point
Velocity (vector): speed in a particular direction
Average velocity (vector): the total displacement divided by the total elapsed time

August 27, 2010
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Hundred Years War

1337 to 1453

War of the Roses

1455 to 1485

Dutch Revolt

1568 to 1648

War of 3 Henrys


Thirty Years? War

1618 to 1648

English Civil War


War of Spanish Succession

War of the Austrian Succession

7 Years? War

Napoleonic Wars

August 27, 2010
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The Giant Euro Review

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August 27, 2010
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DIRECTIONS: Each of the questions or incomplete statements below is followed by five suggested answers or completions. Select the one that is best in each case.

1. Henry VIII's principal assistant in enhancing monarchial controls during the 1530s was
A. Thomas Cranmer.
B. Thomas More.
C. Thomas Wolsey.
D. William Cecil.
E. Thomas Cromwell.

August 27, 2010
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1. In early modern Europe, women were accused of practicing witchcraft more often than were men because of the belief that women
(A) lived longer

(B) had too much political power

(C) had more money

(D) were more prone to violence

(E) were more vulnerable to temptation

2. The seventeenth-century picture above illustrates
(A) the spread of democratic ideals during this period

(B) new developments in architecture

(C) emerging differences between medieval and early modern religious practices

August 27, 2010
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August 26, 2010
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