Just wanna get a feel around the site I guess, what are your opinions? I know this site has people from all over the US, so Its a nice place to get a variety of opinions.
Personally, I feel that regardless of anyones view of homosexuality, moral, religious, any view on it, the fact is that the government is required to rule based on what fits best with our constitution and the spirit of America. That spirite being freedom, equality, and all that jazz, many times in the past the courts have ruled against public opinion to do what is truly correct. I think this is what is going to inevitable have to happen in this case, and what should happen. The fact that many people beleive homosexuality is against god's will, and that marraige is a union between one man and one woman only, doesn't truly hold any ground in the matter. The fact is that marraige is a government institution(with its origins in religion), legally wed heterosexual couples receive tax breaks, and other forms of government provided benefits. Therefore going along with the ideas america is based on, there is no logical grounds to deny any group of people rights to a government institution.
If the catholic church or one specific church was the only source of marraige's, and there were no government benefits for being married, then this would be a completely different issue. But as marraige's are controlled by both the governent and church, the only way a group can legally deny someone the right to marry, is if they are a church. In which case the couple then should have the right to enter into a non religious marraige, in which they would receive all of the same benefits, just without the religious attachment.
Responses? No hateful remarks or anything, just honest opinion on the political end of the concept. If you must express a personal beleive about the lifestyle behind the issue, than do so in a calm manner please. " I don't personally agree with the lifestyle, however on the issue of marraige..."