my friend and i were talking about how to make the world a better place lol. we were going to go grab somethign to eat before goin to a party, and for some reason we were listening to john lennon.
this is our theory:
wars are created because of rival nations, religion, and greed. since the world cannot unite together as humans, (i really hope aliens exist and one day they attack earth with great vengeance so that the world can unite under one name: mankind) i was thinking we should have one nation. lol..that's a bit on the extreme side, but seroiusly that's what we were thinking. it'd be hard since all continents are spread out through out this massssssive earth. but what won't be bad would be same religion. if we were all one religion, we would all follow under its law and noone woudl ever call up a crusade or a jihad. nooone woudl have to criticize each other for their beliefs, cuz we'd believe in teh same thing. it doesn't have to be christianity...but i think if we alllll had one main idea in mind, the world would be a better place to live. i think the only way to solve world hunger and diseases is putting all of the world's military cost into research and development and assistance.