Hey guys I haven't visited for a while but for a pretty good reason... one of my best friends attempted suicide on friday. That isn't even the worst part you see it started when I saw him after school and he was obviously upset about something. well I tried talking to him but he shut down and wouldn't talk, so I told him to call me when he felt like talking. He called me two hours later just crying his eyes out, i gave him some advice, then he asked if I could come over to keep him from doing something stupid. I of course said yes but only if I could (i'm grounded at this point in time) but my dad thought I was messing with him just to get out of grounding. I couldn't get a hold of my friend after that. the next morning I get a call from this kids mom and she says that he's in the hospital after overdosing really bad on prescription meds. This made my weekend a total nightmare.
I was so depressed that I snuck out of my house saturday night to go to a party cuz I knew there was booze. I got totally drunk and accidentally told this story to this one girl I really like, through a text message, along with a note telling her how much I like her. (this is the same girl from the dating and relationships forum)
I tell you this story so you can analyze not only the idea behind suicide itself but its effect on people around you. Why would you put other people through so much pain and suffering just to get rid of yours?
"suicide is a permenant solution to a temporary problem"
"I have a feeling I'm falling on rare occasions but most of the time I have my feet on the ground, I can't help it if the ground itself is falling."