This is my DBQ question:
How successful was organized labor in improving the position of workers in the period from 1875-1900? Analyze the factors that contributed to the level of success achieved.
So far I have come up with how the bussiness men kept the union down; In my answer i am talking about all the different labor unions, and the railroad strike of 1877; I am talking about "yellow dogs"(the contract); railroads and industrialization also play a big part on whether or not it was that successful; my thesis will include something to the measure of saying organized labor was not very successful in improving the positions of workers, but they did have some good things going for them like railroads...and so on.
Is there anything I am not talking about that i need to include? I also am using a document that has all these cooks (labor union/communist/a few others) and in class we were talking about how too many cooks in the kitchen can be bad. Basically the labor union and communist made the union look here is what i have, my question is: what else do i need or am i okay to go?