Due to my school locking down on multiple times last week due to protesters, fear of walkouts, etc. over the recent legislation, I've decided to ask ya'lls opinions.
Personally, I believe Bush has at least one thing right with wanting a guest worker program. Then they can work towards their eventual citizenship (if they want it).
Mexico is horrible for the majority of Mexicans. It's incredibly hard for the poorer classes to make a living. America is the land of opportunity, it isn't hard to see why they want to work here.
You may say, "just come here legally". Easier said than done. It can take years. If you're trying to make money in America to support your family you probably don't have years to spare. There also obviously needs to be lots of reform in the current legal immigration process.
But if you tell me immigrants are stealing jobs from Americans, I totally agree. I was totally going to go sell oranges on the side of the freeway this morning, but some darn illegals beat me to it.