Hey guys, just wondering what you guys and your teachers are thinking about the DBQ Exam question this year? Our teacher has predicted one of the following for the DBQ (I hear he's been fairly accurate in guessing over the past 10 years):
1. LBJ's "Great Society", the Vietnam War conflict, the Johnson-Goldwater Election of 1964, the prospect of Goldwater conservatism, and the "stakes are too high not to vote on Nov. 3", with possible documents including the 1964 "Daisy Commercial" and Johnson's 1964 speech laying out the Civil Rights Act.
2. Pre-Civil War happenings, focus of course upon the South-North rift, the extension of slavery, radicalism (John Brown, Bully Brooks), inherant differences in economic and political structures between the North & South, and Manifest Destiny.
Anyway, these are the two that he's said so far. I know Seniors from last year were able to guess that their DBQ would be colonial/French & Indian War stuff by just looking at past DBQs. Any other ideas?