Hey guys, just wondering what you guys and your teachers are thinking about the DBQ Exam question this year? Our teacher has predicted one of the following for the DBQ (I hear he's been fairly accurate in guessing over the past 10 years):
1. LBJ's "Great Society", the Vietnam War conflict, the Johnson-Goldwater Election of 1964, the prospect of Goldwater conservatism, and the "stakes are too high not to vote on Nov. 3", with possible documents including the 1964 "Daisy Commercial" and Johnson's 1964 speech laying out the Civil Rights Act.
2. Pre-Civil War happenings, focus of course upon the South-North rift, the extension of slavery, radicalism (John Brown, Bully Brooks), inherant differences in economic and political structures between the North & South, and Manifest Destiny.
Anyway, these are the two that he's said so far. I know Seniors from last year were able to guess that their DBQ would be colonial/French & Indian War stuff by just looking at past DBQs. Any other ideas?
Hey, yeah! my teacher is an expert at predictions too. He believes there may be a question pertaining to the war of 1812 (its causes and effects or limited points of both.
He also highly suggested looking at the womens roles and rights movement.
He thinks there may be one about the Great society too! So that one may be very likely!
CJade Publishing Co. :rolleyes:
My teacher keeps saying Gilded Age, but I guess I'd better review Great Society too. Of course, everyone got mad at him last year b/c of the colonial DBQ 2 yrs in a row.
Quote:He also highly suggested looking at the womens roles and rights movement.
One of the FBQ's last year was all about the civil/women's rights, and anti war movements.
My guess is not, even if it was a bit more specific.
I'm hoping to GOD it's US2 stuff. 1900-Reagan. I don't know how you guys do it, but it seems like a lot of schools do US in one year, while we do it in two, so we get a more in depth look.
If it's anything to do with the GD, WW2, or anythingg from the 60's-current, I think I might just start jumping for joy in the middle of the room.
However, racking my mind for things I learned more than a year ago is painful.
Unfortunately, for my school it was a one year program... we've actually only covered up to the 1970s in class, after skipping all of the 20s and most of the 50s. Anyway, our teacher has a few predictions
He prays that they don't give us anything on Native American relations, and he says that Progressivism is a gaping hole in the topics covered in past years (as in, they've never asked a question on it.) Another topic is Vietnam, however he believes that they might not be asking because it's too controversial at this point, but it's still on the table.
Ouch, that sucks that you skipped that material considering that's what BOTH essays were on in Part C. I feel for ya.
My teacher predicted pre-Civil War DBQ because there wasn't one for a while. Oh well. She was wrong.
At least I was right about progressivism... too bad I didn't know anything about it :(
Oh yeah, and random DBQ for the win. As soon as we looked at it a bunch of people in the room started laughing because our teacher had almost assured us that we wouldn't get anything on it.
My teacher told me that for the last few years the DBQs have been so random that most have given up on predictions....which makes sense with this last one.
The hardest thing about riding horses is the ground
[=1]Made by moi^:D[/
my teacher has been trying to predict it for like 30 years and hasnt gotten it. he thought he had it this year cuz he's retiring...he was off...he said it was gonna be something on Progressivism and that movement. but it wasnt.
amo te, cordelia
"I'm not confused, I'm just well mixed." - Robert Frost
"If you feel like you're under control...you're not going fast enough." - Mario Andretti
"Roam this world, for it is yours to go insane in." -
My teacher stopped guessing last year. Honestly, I was hoping for a DBQ on the 20th century. The Form B version got it, not us.