So I have been friends with the girl that I like basically since the day I met her.
And I know that she has the same feelings for me. And has had those feelings for a while.
But about a month ago, we both agreed that we should just stay really close friends and not date-to not ruin our friendship.
Recently, my ex girlfriend has been causing a lot of trouble and the girl that I like has been helping me through a lot of it. And the girl I like also (some how) got involved with my and my ex's problems.
But (again, somehow) the girl I like and myself have made it through all the crap that my ex threw at us.
By making it though all this crap, the girl I like and I have gotten a lot closer. But here is my problem....
I feel like the girl that I like and me are ready to date. And I am pretty sure that she feels the same way. I still dont want to risk our friendship though. And at the level of friendship that we currently have, me and her flirt with each other all the time, and we both know that we can do anything with the other, just messing around.
So should I ask her out?