Ok. So I HATE being mean to people. My friends tell me that I am often too nice, but that is just how I am. I can't help it. There is this kid in my youth group that really likes me. He's a freshman and I'm a junior. I don't like him like that and I have told him that, yet every time we are ever alone together he tries to pull something with me. I have told him that there is already a guy in my life and he still doesn't get the hint. I have told him that we are just friends and that was all that I was willing to be. He is a very touchy feely guy and it makes me uncomfortable. He thinks that he can just take advantage of me because he is stronger than me, and that's not going to happen. There is not much else that I can say to him without completely telling him off. I haven't told my friends about what he tries to do because I am too embarassed. All of my friends from church are guys and I just don't feel like I can talk to them about this. I think that I will just have to tell him that we can't even be friends anymore.