I have a test tommorow and I am having some trouble. Not too fond of chapter 38, find it boring and I can't read without going sleepy.
The question is.
State President Eisenhower's response to the following:
1. McCarthyism
2. Civil Rights Movement
3. Social-welfare
So far this is what I have for 1.
McCarthyism - Senator Joseph McCarthy used fear to climb the latter in politics. He accused citizens of being communists with no proof. He mainly accused liberals and internationalists. He was backed by the Republicans. How ever, he was not backed by the president. Eisenhower felt that by public approaching McCarthy he would only stoop down to his level, which he was not about to do. McCarthy “cut his own throat” when he attacked the U.S. Army.
Would you add anything to it. From what I read he didn't favor it but he also didn't intervene to stop it.