For my AP Chem class, my teacher told us we need to have a professional lab notebook with which we will record lab stuff. She didn't tell us much about the notebook except that it has duplicates so when you write on one sheet, it will go through it onto a second sheet to produce a copy, which is the one you hand in. So maybe if other people who also need one of these lab notebooks told me which ones they have, I'd have a better sense of what I'm looking for. My teacher said mostly only online stores sell them, so I'm searching the internet.
And so far, I'm eyeing this one out: [4]
I am praying to god that this is the right one because I've ordered it. But the ones my friends described to me are quite different. So anyone know if this lab notebook (the link) is acceptable to use in AP Chem? Thankss, I'd really appreciate it.