I am going to be a senior next year and here's my story.
This year I was (sadly) taking APWH and APChem.
I totally bombed APChem and had to quit because my teacher was just a friggin' nightmare (and the subject was not me).
OK, I am self-teaching myself AP Macro and Micro. So far, they're OK. I'm just nervous because I don't have a teacher.
Next year, I will take AP Environmental Science, AP English Literature, AP Calculus AB. Unfortunately, I was planning to take AP Italian but the CollegeBoard cancelled it. My plan is to take AP Spanish AND take it a step further with AP Spanish Literature to make up for lost exams.
My dilemma is: is this too much?
I wanted to take 10 APs originally (including Chemistry, Physics B, and French Lang.) But I am really weak at French (I know basic because of Spanish that I'm fluent in) and I will have the same teacher for Phys as I had for Chem which would be just suicide.
Another thing, is it worth AP Phys? It seems like everyone LOVES that (and Chem). Is it possible to self-teach?? My brother and mother are both chemists and they said it's easy and fun (they said the same about Chem though). So what should I do? D: