Basic Vocab
European History [1]
Feudalism: medieval social system; nobility hold land from the Crown in xchange milit service-peasants pay use of land--peasants labor=protection from state
Nationalism: sense 2grthness; fighting same cause
Mercantilism: econ policy undr which nations sought 2 increase their wealth nd powr by obtaining large amts gold nd silvr nd exporting more than importing.
Bullion: gold & silvr
Capitalism: using $ to make profits or more $
Domestic system: system which weavrs nd craftrs prod goods @ home
Romantics: stressed emotion
Socialism: state (rathr than private) ownrship of the means of prod nd othr large businesses that prod nd distrib goods; welfare all ppl.
Proletariat: struggle in indust society btwn capitalists nd workrs.