English Analyzation
English [1]
Hadyeh 2 Sana Hadyeh Miss. Skudlarski AP English, Period 1 02 September 2011 OPTIC Journal #2 Overview: This cartoon from Slate.com, drawn in 2011, criticizes America?s current uneducated and catachrestic society. Parts: In the main part of the cartoon, the illustrator depicts the image of two adolescents conversing about the ignorance amongst ?U.S students?. One of the students examines the fact that, ?U.S students don?t know much about geography?. Ironically, his acquaintance justifies the argument when stating, ?We?re a disgrace to the South American continent?. The fact that the U.S is not part of the Southern American continent and is in North America validates the argument that young Americans are geographically illiterate.