Human Geography [1]
Origin of Religions CHRISTIANITY -Jesus (Born 8-4 BC, died on cross 30 AD), belive he died for sins, raised from dead, & resurrection -R.C. believe in Pope, Baptism confirmation penance anointing the sick matrimony holy orders Eucharist -E. orthodox came out of pope & patriarchy of Constantinople , accept 7 sacraments but rejected RC doctrines since 8th century -protestantism reformation in 16th century, martin luther 95 theses grace achieved through faith not sacraments by church ISLAM -same background of Judaism & Christianity -trace story through Ishmael -Quran= holy book -Arabic is lingua franca in Muslim world -Shiites and Sunnis BUDDHISM -Founder= siddartha guatama ?awakened or enlightened one? -leaves life as prince and goes into deep meditation