Ch 8 Book Notes
World History [1]
The Rise and Fall of the Caliphate The Islamic Conquests(634-711) From Spain to Pakistan Conquests under second caliph Umar Took syria and Egypt away from Byzantine Many more conquests M?s companions led conquests. Umars caliphate prohibits Arabs from assuming ownership of conquerd land. Military Camps constructed. The Ummayad and Early Abbasid Caliphates, 661-850 Armies= entirely muslim arabs Arabic became language of government Non-Arab converts to Islam Ummayad fell in 750 Non arabs converted to islam= social unrest= rebellion Abbasid Caliphate/ revolution Caliphate till 1258, Mongols killed last of them Leadership and piety caliphate Theology and religion= main focus Personalization of the Caliphate More cosmopolitan empire Political Fragmentation 850-1050