Reign of Terror/Napoleon Boneparte
World History [1]
pp. 587-591
1. The Terror (1793-1794)
a. National crisis and foreign threat → Revolution enters most radical phase
b. Failed effort of king and queen to escape from Paris and find foreign allies costs them a loss of support
i. Viewed as treasonous
ii. March to similar to that which had marched on Versailles invaded his palace on August 10, 1792
iii. King seeks protection in Legislative Assembly which suspends him and orders his imprisonment
1. Called formation of National Convention to be elected by vote of all men
c. Counterrevolutionary plots → Uproar of working class
i. September mobs kill half of prisoners in a surge
d. Louis Xvi, charged with treason by National Convention, is sentenced to death
i. France declared republic
ii. Guillotine ended king’s life in 1793