APUSH Unit 1
US History [1]
8/22/11 10:27 AM 8/22/11 A. Exploration and Early Colonization of the New World Spain?s Conquistadors: 1519-1521 Cortes conquered the Aztecs in Mexico and established a tradition of betrayal and brutality. Former Aztec empire became the Spanish colony of New Spain. 1532-1536 Pizarro followed Cortes? example and quickly conquered the Incas. Former Inca Empire became the colony of Peru. Pissarro was cousin of Cortes, Pissarro went and conquered the Incas Former Inca Empire became the colony of Peru 1512-1513, 1521 Ponce de Leon first conquered Puerto Rico then got killed exploring Florida in search of fountain of youth, gold, and slaves. Spanish main concern was gold