characteristics of life outline
Biology [1]
Characteristics of life. Reproduction: Sexual-Meiosis: Multi-cellular Organisms: The fertilizing of the egg by the sperm: Each sperm and egg holds half of the chromosomes that will get passed onto the offspring. The male: X, Y. The female: X, X. Both the sperm and the egg hold DNA (Deoxyribo Nucleic Acids). Asexual-Mitosis: Single celled organisms: Split into two halves that grow and repeat the process, which creates an exact copy of the parent. Made of cells: Everything that has life is made up of one or more cells. These cells may multiply to create new ones in multi-cellular organisms. The single celled organisms will split and form an exact copy of the parent cell. Filaments of cytoskeleton, membrane protein, cholesterol, cytoplasm are found in the plasma membrane.