APUSH Test 1 Review
US History [1]
APUSH Test 1 Review [12]
APUSH QUARTER 1 TEST Impact of European colonization on Natives: disease and agricultural products introduced by Europeans changed ecosystem. New crops became life blood. Settlement altered population pattern with loss of Native Americans. Dutch Settlement: 1609 Henry Hudson discovered/named Hudson River. Unable to attract large # of settlers successful in fur trading, bloody conflicts with NA tribes limiting success of colonies. French Colonies: 1608 Samuel de Champlain founded Quebec few came bc of undesirable climate. Desired to convert NA. Trapping/ fur trading, Louis Joilet & Jacques Marquette reached Miss River, Wisconsin and Arkansas. Robert La Salle; Louisiana. John Winthrop: 1629 elected governor of Mass Bay Colony, held for 20 years ?city upon a hill?