Powerpoint on Gunpowder Nations
World History [1]
Ottoman Empire [10]
THE MUSLIM GUNPOWDER EMPIRES Organizational Questions 1. Which state governs the largest empire? Most multicultural? most populous? 2. How would the answers above make government difficult? 3. Which empire is nearest to Western Europe? 4. How would proximity to Europe affect an empire? 5. What modern states does each empire rule? 6. Which state would be the most dependent on sea power? Why? 7. Which state would be the easiest and the most difficult to defend? Why? What were the similarities & differences between the three Muslim empires? OTTOMAN Anatolia Peninsula, Europe & Nth Africa religious fervor & zeal for Islamic conversion mostly Muslim, large Christian minority Sunni Muslim SAFAVID Persia (Iran) religious fervor & zeal for Islamic conversion mostly Muslim Shi?ia Muslim