Early Beginnings
Early Civilizations Egyptians Overview of Ancient Egypt Early inhabitants (Neolithic's) called the land Kemet Renamed Egypt by the Greeks The Nile River Valley (annual floods) World?s Longest River ? flows from South to North Two Kingdoms by 4,000 BCE Lower Kingdom in the North Upper Kingdom in the South 3000 BCE ? Narmer (Menes) invaded Lower Egypt Marked the first Egyptian Dynasty Three Egyptian Dynasties The Old Kingdom (2700-2200 BCE) Established a theocracy (god-king) Built pyramids to honor god-kings (mummification) The Middle Kingdom (2050-1700 BCE) Egypt was reunited after a time of upheaval The capital was moved to Thebes Were invaded by the Hyksos (from Western Asia) The New Kingdom (1600-1200 BCE) Egyptians overthrew the Hyksos ? led by Ahmose