Digestive System
Biology [1]
anatomy [2]
Digestive system [3]
Biology [4]
Medicine [5]
Digestive enzyme [6]
Small intestine [7]
Digestion [8]
Stomach [10]
Gastric acid [11]
Bile [12]
Saliva [13]
health [14]
TheHumanDigestiveSystem Oral Cavity Chewing Saliva moistens food Saliva contains enzymes Esophagus Moves food to the stomach by peristalsis Stomach Sphincters control movement of food into and out of the stomach Stomach glands release gastric juices water, enzymes, mucus, acid Most food moves on to the small intestine within 4 hours Small Intestine Liver and pancreas secrete enzymes into the small intestine Digestion is completed Nutrients are absorbed through the intestinal walls Colon(Large Intestine) Bacteria produce some vitamins Vitamins absorbed into bloodstream Water is reabsorbed Feces move on to the rectum Carbohydrate Digestion Mouth Salivary amylase breaks starch into sugar Stomach pH is too low for amylase to work Small Intestine