Chapter 4 KBAT
Human Geography [1]
anthropology [2]
culture [3]
Cultural studies [4]
Science [5]
Traditions [8]
Cultural region [11]
Cultural ecology [12]
Folk Culture [13]
Know and be able to UNIT 3 Ch. 4 CULTURE KNOW ? acculturation assimilation artifact built environment Core-Domain-Sphere model cultural autonomy cultural divergence cultural convergence cultural/environmental perception cultural ecology cultural landscape culture realm culture hearth culture complex culture trait culture region custom environmental determinism folk culture (folkways) globalization habit material culture mentifact multilinear evolution popular culture possiblism Sequent Occupance Model sociofact taboo terrior uniform landscape ? BE ABLE TO define culture, cultural geography, and culture regions. identify and name macrocultural regions and identify the major language and religion of each.