Semester 1 Final Study Guide
Chemistry [1]
Chemistry [2]
Physics [3]
Chemical bonding [4]
Atomic physics [6]
Chemical bond [9]
Valence electron [10]
ion [11]
Lewis structure [12]
electron [13]
Technology [14]
Chemistry Final Exam Study Guide, Chapters 1-8 Chapter 1. Matter and Change Chemistry ? the study of matter and its changes Branches of Chemistry ? 1. Organic Chemistry ? substances containing carbon 2. Inorganic Chemistry ? substances not containing carbon 3. Biochemistry ? chemistry of living things DNA, protein, lipids, carbohydrates 4. Physical Chemistry ? properties and changes of matter with respect to energy 5. Analytical Chemistry ? identification of components and composition of matter. 6. Theoretic Chemistry ? creates mathematical models of chemical behavior Chemical ? any substance with a definite composition Mass ? amount of matter Matter ? takes up space and has mass