Cell bio chapter 4/5
Biology [1]
Chemistry [2]
Biology [3]
nutrition [4]
biochemistry [8]
Amino acid [9]
Lipid [10]
Protein [11]
Hydrolysis [12]
Nucleic acid [13]
health [14]
Substances found in living tissues Water, macromolecules, proteins, nucleic acids, carbs Concept 4.3 Functional groups Components of organic molecules Involved in chemical reactions Give molecules unique properties Functional groups important in chemistry of life Hydroxyl group, carbonyl group, amino group, carboxyl group Functional groups of sex hormones Functional groups give each molecule unique properties Phosphate group Nucleic acids Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) Concept 4.2 Isomers- compounds with same molecular formula, but different structures and properties Dif shape dif biological abilities Structural isomers- different covalent arrangements of atoms Enantiomers- mirror images of each other Even subtle differences can have different biological response