AP Bio Chp 6
Biology [1]
organelles [2]
cell [3]
Cytoskeleton [5]
Ribosome [7]
Eukaryote [8]
plant cell [9]
mitochondrion [10]
Cytoplasm [11]
Golgi apparatus [12]
Vesicle [13]
AP Biology Reading Guide Chapter 6: A Tour of the Cell Fred and Theresa Holtzclaw Copyright ? 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. - 1 - Name_______________________Period___________ Chapter 6: A Tour of the Cell Concept 6.1 To study cells, biologists use microscopes and the tools of biochemistry 1. The study of cells has been limited by their small size, and so they were not seen and described until 1665, when Robert Hooke first looked at dead cells from an oak tree. His contemporary, Anton van Leeuwenhoek, crafted lenses; and with the improvements in optical aids, a new world was opened. Magnification and resolving power limit what can be seen. Explain the difference.