Enduring Vision Ch.12 Notes
US History [1]
slavery [2]
American slaves [5]
Gabriel Prosser [7]
Abolitionism [8]
Slave rebellion [9]
manumission [11]
Chapter 12: The old south and slavery 1830-1860 I. Introduction: A. Nat Turner Rebellion 1. Nat Turner and six other slaves broke into Joseph Travis? home, where they killed Travis, his wife, and two other whites, and later on the infant. They traveled around killing whites. The membership was about 60/70 and they killed over 60 whites. The white militia took control and slaughtered blacks even if they weren?t involved. Turner went to trial and then was hung. B. Before the Turner Rebellion Virginians had worried little of slave rebellions. C. Non-slaveholding whites in the western par of the state, urged that Virginia follow the lead of northern states and emancipate slaves. D. The south had been split.