Philosophy Notes
N0TES July 21, 2010 Unit 4:Ethics Ancient Virtue Ethics [Axis Age: C. 500 BCE] Epicureanism Stoicism Platonism Aristotelianism Buddhism Confucianism Taoism The Art of Living Well Elite Status Social Elites Military elite Rulers Landed aristocracy Merchants Priests Intellectuals Artists Lower Castes/Classes Peasants Artisans Workers Slaves Soldier Fundamental Concepts -?Good? Things?: Moral & Non-moral -?Right? Actions Epicurus Mind atoms (Tranquility of the mind) Epicureanism Un-troubledness ?Pleasure is good, Pain is bad.? ?Don?t fear God or Death.? Plato Platonism Pure, Abstract, Non-changing form An ancient Greek View: 1. Plato?s Formal theory of the Good: