Nubia Overview
World History [1]
Nubia Overview 3100 B.C.E.- 350 B.C.E. Land along the Nile in South Egypt. It served as a connection between Sub-Saharan and north Africa societies. Egyptian noblemen negotiated with Nubian chiefs as they searched for slaves, ivory, exotic animals in tropical Africa. Drove up costs, so argered Egyptians because middle men hired prices. Further south- the kingdom of Kush in tropical sub-saharan Africa was the first urban center with skilled workers. For 500, years Egypt dominated the region imposing its government and culture on the region Egypt?s weakness led to it?s collapse of authority in Nubia. As a result, the ?Native? kingdom arose in the South called Meroe There was a larger role of women in Nubia, some women became queens and participated in high society.