STUDY GUIDE: Constitutionalism, Absolutism, and the Balance of Power
European History [1]
AP European History Unit III Constitutionalism, Absolutism, and the Balance of Power Chapter 13 Chapter 15 & 17 ? 1603 ? Eliz. I d.; James I bec. King 1608 1607 ? Jamestown founded 1604 ? Hampton Court Conf.; Milienary Petition 1607 ? Jamestown founded 1610 ? Henry IV (FR) assass. 1620 ? Plymouth Colony founded 1611 ? King James Bible published 1625 ? James I dies; Charles I bec. King 1618 ? James I ? Book of Sports 1620 ? Plymouth Colony founded 1640 ? Fred. Will. The Great Elector bec. ruler of Brandenburg 1625 ? James I d.; Charles II bec. King 1628 ? Petition of Right; Earl of Buckingham dies 1648 ? Treaty of Westphalia; Netherlands