Anatomy Coloring Book
Biology [1]
Chapter One: Introduction ANATOMICAL POSITION AND TERMS OF DIRECTION f.__ e _ )( 1) I, \ V I b.__ a. _ h.___ 1. _ ). ....lII('---:-----':----;-~.k.-- e. _ g._----- a. _ b.__ When studying the human body it is important to place the body in anatomical position. Anatomical position is described as the body facing you, feet placed together and flat on the floor. The head is held erect, arms straight by the side with palms facing forward. All references to the body are made as if the body is in this position so when you describe something as being above something else it is always with respect to the body being in anatomical position. The relative position of the parts of the human body has specific terms. Superior means above while inferior means below. Medial refers