The Triumphs and Travails of the Jeffersonian Republic 1800-1812
US History [1]
Nascent Nationalism Pg.240 The American System Pg.240-241 Nationalism ( the spirit of nation consciousness or national oneness) was the result of War of 1812 America became one nation Washington, Irving, and James Fenimore Cooper attained international recognition in the 1820s, the nation?s first writers of importance to use American scenes and themes. Textbooks about were being written by Americans for Americans. North American Review began publication in 1815. The year of the triumph at New Orleans. Bank of the U.S was voted by congress in 1816 Army was expanded Stephen Decatur, naval hero of the war of 1812 British competitors dumped contents of their bulging warehouse on the U.S in order to cover lost ground. They cut their prices below costs.