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Analysis of Nathaniel Hawthorne's "Hollow of the Three Hills"

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The Hollow of the Three Hills In Nathaniel Hawthorne?s The Hollow of the Three Hills, a young woman seeks the help of an old witch to learn what has happened to her parents, husband and child whom she abandoned to commit sin through the use of the witch?s supernatural abilities. Hawthorne uses dark descriptive imagery to draw in his audience into the ambiguous and mysterious setting that characterizes this Gothic fairytale. From the get-go, Hawthorne clearly depicts the darkness, mystery, and evil of the world. The ambiguous diction of the first paragraph sets the eerie atmosphere of the story. The story takes place ?in those strange old times? at an ?appointed hour and place.? This lack of specificity leaves more to the imagination of the reader.

Notes on Wilfred Owen's Poems

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Wilfred Owen Poem Analysis Notes Maundy Thursday Summary: During Maundy Thursday (a Christian holiday that commemorates The Last Supper), the speaker watches men, women, and children go up to the altar to kiss the cross. The speaker does the same. Poetic Devices: Religious imagery crucifix, cross, ?Body of the Christ,? creed, server-lad (shown before the cross because people are the more important religion, especially the common person) the speaker?s disenchantment with religion Sonnet Slight volta at line 9 when the speaker begins to reference himself Switch in rhyme scheme from Shakespearean to Petrarchan Breaks the meter in ?brown hands? and ?warm live hand? --> because the hands have more emphasis than the cross because again, people > religion

Analysis of Virginia Woolf's "Lady in the Looking Glass: A Reflection"

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The Lady in the Looking-Glass: A Reflection Virginia Woolf?s ?The Lady in the Looking-Glass: A Reflection,? explores the issue of selfhood and self-realization. Woolf writes from the point-of-view of an anonymous narrator who attempts to learn more about a rich spinster, Isabella Tyson, by exploring facts and making figurative comparisons and speculative comments. Yet none of them lead the narrator to the real truth about Isabella. By implementing numerous metaphors, such as a looking glass to explore the inner and outer self of Isabella, Woolf explores how truth is portrayed, warning readers not to seek to know so much.

Janet Frame's "The Bath" and Bernard Malamud's "The Prison" on the theme of loss

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Discuss ways in which two stories explore loss. Both ?The Bath? and ?The Prison? explore loss. Although both stories deal with the theme of loss, ?The Bath? explores physical loss, as the old woman has to deal with the loss of her husband, while loss in ?The Prison? is mostly metaphorical, with Tommy having lost all desire to enjoy his current life as he dwells forever in the past.

Analysis of Wilfred Owen's "Anthem for Doomed Youth"

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Wilfred Owen?s ?Anthem for Doomed Youth? explores the theme of the pity of war. Throughout the sonnet, the narrator wonders what kind of service there could be for those that die in battle, only to come to the conclusion that there is no funeral for those that are herded into war. Owen takes the reader through the battle-front and then the home-front, contrasting the chaotic battlefield of the octave (ridden with cacophonous sounds and breaks in the meter) with the calmer, but more solemn sestet which shows the effect of the soldiers? deaths on their loved ones ? suggesting that this poem is much less an ?anthem? than anything else.

Past Thematic Questions (CIE) for An Ideal Husband

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An Ideal Husband Politics ?A political life is a noble career.? (Sir Robert Chiltern) How, and with what effects, does Wilde show the limits of this view during the play? Discuss Wilde?s presentation of politics in An Ideal Husband. Dramatic Irony/Humor How does Wilde make his exploration of serious moral issues dramatically entertaining? How does Wilde make his exploration of serious moral issues dramatically entertaining? Characters How, and with what effects, does Wilde?s presentation of Mrs Cheveley contrast with that of Lady Chiltern? How far does Wilde lead you to feel sympathy for Sir Robert in the play? Discuss the role and dramatic significance of Lord Goring in the play. ?LADY CHILTERN: One?s past is what one is. It is the only way by which people should be judged.?

Krugman AP Macroeconomics Chapter 15

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Chapter 15: The Measurement and Calculation of Inflation ? -How the inflation rate is measured -What a price index is and how it is calculated -The importance of the consumer price index and other price indexes ? Aggregate Price Level: a measure of the overall level of prices in the economy/single number to represent the overall level of prices Market Basket: a hypothetical set of consumer purchases of goods and services/Hypothetical Consumption bundle Consumption bundle: the typical basket of goods and services purchased before the price changes Price index: measure of the cost of purchasing a given market basket in a given year Base year: always results in a price index of 100 Price indexes are also the basis for measuring inflation

Krugman AP Macroeconomics Chapter 14

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Chapter 14: Inflation: An Overview ? -The economic costs of inflation -How inflation creates winners and losers -Why policy makers try to maintain a stable rate of inflation -The difference between real and nominal values of income, wages, and interest rates -The problems of deflation and disinflation ? Inflation: Most common complaint: an increase in the price level makes everyone poorer- does not make everyone poorer Real Wage: the wage rate divided by the price level Real income: income divided by the price level Inflation Rate: the percent change per year in a price index?typically the consumer price index the percent increase in the overall level of prices per year ? ? The level of prices doesn?t matter Reducing prices = Reducing income

Krugman AP Macroeconomics Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: The Causes and Categories of Unemployment ? -The three different types of unemployment and their causes -The factors that determine the natural rate of unemployment ? 1. Frictional Unemployment: unemployment due to the time workers spend in job search Somewhat inevitable- frictional unemployment doesn?t mean that there is a surplus of labor Constant process of job creation and job destruction New workers are always entering the labor market Limited amount is relatively harmless and may be a good thing Short duration of unemployment Job search: Workers who spend time looking for employment/ if all workers and all jobs were alike job search wouldn?t be necessary 2. Structural Unemployment:

Krugman AP Macroeconomics Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: The Meaning and Calculation of Unemployment ? -How unemployment is measured -How the unemployment rate is calculated -The significance of the unemployment rate for the economy -The relationship between the unemployment rate and economic growth ? Employed: people who currently hold a job in the economy, either full time or part time/ only if you have a job Unemployed: people who are actively looking for work but aren?t currently employed Limitations: Retired people Disabled Hasn?t actively searched for a Job in the last 4 weeks Discouraged workers Marginally attached workers Underemployed U.S. Census Bureau monthly survey called the Current Population Survey: interviewing a random sample of 60,000 American families


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