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Chapter 4 Outline: American Government 9th Ed., Wilson&Dilulio

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Samuel Choi CHAPTER 4 OUTLINE: American Political Culture Introduction Complete dependence on a constitution(even the American Constitution) does not guarantee the survival of the government nor protection of liberties. The U.S. Constitution has been copied by many other nations. Examples include Argentina, Philippines, and Brazil. In nearly every instance, the constitution lasted a short time. Democratic rule lasts short time, and then is interrupted by events such as military takeover and corruption. Such a pattern was noticed by Alexis Tocqueville. Tocqueville found several reasons for the sole survival of the American Constitution The U.S. was more suited for such a Constitution.

Chapter 1 Outline: American Government 9th Ed., Wilson&Dilulio

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Samuel Choi CHAPTER ONE OUTLINE: THE STUDY OF AMERICAN GOVERNMENT Introduction There are two main questions about government and politics. The two questions are, ?Who governs??, and, ?To what extent should the government rule?? People are concerned with who governs, because the ruler?s beliefs and values will affect the lives of normal citizens through the ruler?s laws. Because of this, people vote and participate in government in order to try and make a change in the government that will positively affect them. People are also concerned with what extent the government rules, because it shows how much and which parts of citizens? lives will be affected. What is Political Power?

Questions on Chapter 4: American Political Culture

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Roman Caposino September 27th, 2013 Chapter IV Questions AP Government & Politics The textbook defines a political culture as ?a patterned and sustained way if thinking about how economic and political life ought to be.? The nature of the political culture of our country is that democracy, majority rule, and minority rights are good things. A political ideology is a set of beliefs put forward by a government, and political culture is how people?s opinions on the political ideology changes based on real life events. Americans believe people should be equal politically but not economically, whereas in France or Great Britain, the belief tends to be the opposite. The Political System: Liberty: Rights of freedom.

Questions on Chapter 9: Political Parties

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Roman Caposino October 21st, 2013 Chapter 9 #1-6 AP Government & Politics A political party is a group that seeks to elect candidates to public office by supplying them with a label?a ?party identification??by which they are known to the electorate. A party exists as a label in the minds of the voters, as an organization that recruits and campaigns for candidates, and as a set of leaders who try to organize and control the legislative and executive branches of government.

Political Participation

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CHAPTER 6 Political Participation Chapter Outline with Keyed-in Resources SEQ NLI \r 0 \h I?? seq NLA \r 0 \h . A closer look at nonvoting SEQ NLA \r 0 \h A?? seq NL1 \r 0 \h . See the How Things Work box?Voter Turnout: Some Myths and Realities B?? seq NL1 \r 0 \h . Alleged problem: low turnout of voters in the U.S., compared to Europe SEQ NL1 \r 0 \h 1?? seq NL_a \r 0 \h . But when turnout of registered voters is compared, the U.S. does very well 2?? seq NL_a \r 0 \h . Usual mistake is to compare the percentage of U.S. adults voting with the percentage of European registered voters voting C?? seq NL1 \r 0 \h . Common explanation: voter apathy on election day SEQ NL1 \r 0 \h 1?? seq NL_a \r 0 \h . But the real problem is low registration rates

APGov - Data Check Activity (used with Wilson Chapter 8)

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DATA CHECK: POLITICAL PARTICIPATION (16 points) AP: UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT & POLITICS NAME:_______________________________ Read Chapter 8 in your textbook. Answer the questions by looking at the following tables or figures in the chapter. Table 8.1 (Page 184): Two Methods of Calculating Voter Turnout in Presidential Elections, 1948?2008 1. What percentage of the voting age population (give a range) in America voted in these elections? __________________________________________________________________________ 2. What percentage of registered voters (give a range) in America voted in these elections? ___________________________________________________________________________ Table 8.2 (Page 185): Two Ways of Calculating Voting Turnout Here and Abroad

APGov - Test: Political Beliefs & Behaviors

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TEST: POLITICAL BELIEFS & BEHAVIOR AP: UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT & POLITICS NAME:__________________________________ Part I: Multiple Choice (2 Points Each) Write in the letter of the best possible answer. _______1.) Which amendment states that ?the right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude?? Twelfth Amendment Fifteenth Amendment Seventeenth Amendment Nineteenth Amendment Twenty-Sixth Amendment _______2.) Political socialization is defined as the distribution of the population?s beliefs about politics and policy issues the process through which an individual acquires his or her particular political orientations

Women's Rights Timeline

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The Territory of Wyoming passes the first law in the nation giving women over age 21 the right to vote. After joining the Union in 1890, Wyoming becomes the first state to permit women the right to vote in all elections, although in 1887, Kansas al- lowed women to vote in municipal elec- tions. The colonies adopt the English system of property ownership for married women, meaning women cannot own property in their own name or keep their own earnings. By 1900, every state will have passed leg- islation modeled after New York?s Mar- ried Women?s Property Act (1848), which grants married women the right to keep their own wages and to own property in their own name. 1769 1848 1868 1869 1869 Racial Equality Issue Splits Two Suffrage Associations

Chapter 2 quiz answers

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Question 1 On the issue of gun control, Americans, when polled, show a preference for a. less regulation b. increased enforcement of the Second Amendment?s right to bear arms c. elimination of background checks. d. longer sentences for gun law violators. e. registration of all handguns. Question 2 Gun control laws are usually unsuccessful in Congress because a. the public generally does not favor gun control. b. the National Rifle Association lobbies on behalf of the majority of Americans. c. the National Rifle Association speaks for a minority of people who have very intense views about the undesirability of gun control. d. it is unconstitutional for Congress to act on this issue; the power to regulate firearms is reserved to the states. Question 3

individual participation

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INDIVIDUAL PARTICIPATION The Australian ballot is no longer used in the U.S. because it does not allow a secret ballot to be cast an attempt to remove partisan politics from the ballot by not allowing the candidates to list their party a form of balloting that has been disallowed in the U.S. because it is discriminatory secret and is prepared, distributed and tabulated by the political parties secret and is prepared, distributed and tabulated by government officials The office-block ballot is a form of general election ballot in which all candidates for office are listed by their party candidates are non-partisan only one major party lists candidates for election all candidates for each elective office are grouped under the title of the office none of these


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