H phys notes
Aeneid- Virgil: DR. SMITH 1 century BC Virgil was a Roman (but technically not)came from somewhere else, Rome= mecca moves to Rome Virgil born during the council ship of Pompeii; 70BC 63 BC most important date in history Cicero Caesar dies 15 of march 44 BC He dies in the theater of Pompeii technically the senate met there that day 48 Pompeii vs. CesarMercy of Cesar Not the time of Roman Empire; but of the Roman republic Most famous guy: Octavian changes to Augustus (born 63 BC) Great poet since Homer Literary Giants: Homer, Virgil, Dante, Milton Rez Publica: quiz democratic system; Republic; independent (mostly) of Athenian Democracy Virgil drew on a lot of poets: Theocritus Apollonius, Homer, and other great people