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Environmental Sceince Voc.

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Environmental Science Voc. Mrs. Potts Conservationist- a person who limits there usage of resources for future generations Economist- a person who doesn?t care about protecting the environment and lives for today Preservationist- a person who chooses not to do anything to damage the environment Experiment - a recorded way to test a hypothesis Meniscus ? the bubble of fluids measured from the bottom of meniscus (eye level) Hypothesis ? educated guess Inference- to take data and create a hypothesis Analyze- to decipher out what data means Data- recorded information about experiment Pipette ? a tool used to take samples also used to measure fluids Conclusion ? end result from testing and analyzing Turbid ? dirty cloudy water EPA ? Environmental Protection Agency

Environmental Sceince Voc.

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Environmental Science Voc. Mrs. Potts Conservationist- a person who limits there usage of resources for future generations Economist- a person who doesn?t care about protecting the environment and lives for today Preservationist- a person who chooses not to do anything to damage the environment Experiment - a recorded way to test a hypothesis Meniscus ? the bubble of fluids measured from the bottom of meniscus (eye level) Hypothesis ? educated guess Inference- to take data and create a hypothesis Analyze- to decipher out what data means Data- recorded information about experiment Pipette ? a tool used to take samples also used to measure fluids Conclusion ? end result from testing and analyzing Turbid ? dirty cloudy water EPA ? Environmental Protection Agency

Linear Regression

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Linear Regression Linear regression attempts to model the relationship between two variables by fitting a linear equation to observed data. One variable is considered to be an explanatory variable, and the other is considered to be a dependent variable. For example, a modeler might want to relate the weights of individuals to their heights using a linear regression model.

Test: Intro to science

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1. The work of scientists begins with a. testing a hypothesis. b. careful observations. c. creating experiments. d. drawing conclusions. 3. A controlled experiment allows the scientist to isolate and test a. a conclusion b. a mass of information. c. several variables. d. a single variable. 5. A well-tested explanation that unifies a broad range of observations is a(an) a. hypothesis. b. theory. c. inference. d. controlled experiment. 6. All of the following are characteristics of all living things EXCEPT a. growth. b. reproduction. c. movement. d. use energy. The process by which organisms keep their internal conditions relatively stable is called a. homeostasis. b. evolution c. metabolism. d. photosynthesis.

Unit 1 Vocab Human Geography: People, Place, and Culture

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Unit One Vocabulary - Nature and Perspectives 1. Human Geography - the spatial analysis of human population, its cultures, activities, and landscapes. The study of how humans interact with the world. 2. Sequent Occupance - The notion that successive societies leave their cultural imprints on a place, each contributing to the cumulative cultural landscape. Each society in an area leaves a cultural imprint, adding to the cultural landscape. 3. Cultural Landscape - the fashioning of a natural landscape by a cultural group. This is the essence of how humans interact with nature. How humans change and interact with nature. 4. Diffusion - The process of spread of a feature or trend from one place to another over time. The spread of something from one place to another.

Unit 1

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Analyze Prompt Teacher: Mr. Eades Student Name: Justin Outten Subject/Period: A1 AP Statistics Prompt: According to the Bureau of the Census, 68% of Americans owned their own homes in 2003. A local real estate office is curious as to whether a higher percentage of Americans own their own homes in its area. The office selects a random sample of 200 people in the area to estimate the percentage of those people that own their own homes. Verify that a Normal model is a useful approximation for the Binomial in this situation. What is the probability that at least 140 people will report owning their own home? Based on the sample, how many people would it take for you to be convinced that a higher percentage of Americans own their own homes in that area? Explain. Plan:

Test 1

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Julie Johansen APHUG Test 1 Five themes of Geography Location, place, human-environmental interactive, movement, region Geography: is a spatial perspective looking at patterns, and distributions on the earth?s surface Means Earth, to write Physical Geography; notes Human geography: the study of how people deal with each other and Earth Location: Absolute location: a specific place (address, coordinates, etc) Relative location: describing something in comparison to something else Place: beside having a specific location, every place has many other distinctive characteristics Region: geography divides the world into manageable units of study, the criteria for defining region can be natural or cultural and my change over time Three types of regions:

Chapter 1 Practice Test

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Chapter 1 Practice Test For which of the following is Wilhelm Wundt primarily known? Answer: A- The establishment of the first formal laboratory for research in psychology In 1879 Wilhelm succeeded in forming the first formal laboratory for psychology research. His study soon became so wide spread that more scholars were exploring the field of psychology in terms of the new science. Wilhelm?s hard work provocative ideas and attracted lots of attention. Many came to study under him. Which of the following approaches might William James criticize for examining a movie frame by frame instead of seeing the motion in the motion picture? Answer: A- Structuralism

AP Statistics Practice Test

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