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Pearson Biology Guided Reading Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: A Tour of the Cell 24 Copyright ? 2015 Pearson Education, Inc. Name ________________________ Period _________ # 152826 Cust: Pearson Au: Reece Pg. No. 24 Title: Active Reading Guide for Campbell Biology: Concepts & Connections, 8e C / M / Y / K Short / Normal DESIGN SERVICES OF S4-CARLISLE Publishing Services Chapter 4: A Tour of the Cell Guided Reading Activities Big idea: Introduction to the cell Answer the following questions as you read modules 4.1?4.4: 1. A(n) ____________ uses a beam of light to illuminate the specimen. 2. Beginning students usually confuse magnification and resolution. Briefly compare magnifica- tion with resolution. 3. Which of the following associations is incorrect? a. Light microscope; live bacterial cell

Pearson Biology Guided Reading Answers Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: A Tour of the Cell 24 Copyright ? 2015 Pearson Education, Inc. Name ________________________ Period _________ # 152826 Cust: Pearson Au: Reece Pg. No. 24 Title: Active Reading Guide for Campbell Biology: Concepts & Connections, 8e C / M / Y / K Short / Normal DESIGN SERVICES OF S4-CARLISLE Publishing Services Chapter 4: A Tour of the Cell Guided Reading Activities Big idea: Introduction to the cell Answer the following questions as you read modules 4.1?4.4: 1. A(n) _______________ uses a beam of light to illuminate the specimen. 2. Beginning students usually confuse magnification and resolution. Briefly compare magnifica- tion with resolution. 3. Which of the following associations is incorrect? a. Light microscope; live bacterial cell

Pearson Guided Reading Activities

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Chapter 4: A Tour of the Cell 24 Copyright ? 2015 Pearson Education, Inc. Name ________________________ Period _________ # 152826 Cust: Pearson Au: Reece Pg. No. 24 Title: Active Reading Guide for Campbell Biology: Concepts & Connections, 8e C / M / Y / K Short / Normal DESIGN SERVICES OF S4-CARLISLE Publishing Services Chapter 4: A Tour of the Cell Guided Reading Activities Big idea: Introduction to the cell Answer the following questions as you read modules 4.1?4.4: 1. A(n) ____________ uses a beam of light to illuminate the specimen. 2. Beginning students usually confuse magnification and resolution. Briefly compare magnifica- tion with resolution. 3. Which of the following associations is incorrect? a. Light microscope; live bacterial cell

Pearson Guided Reading Activities KEY CH4

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Chapter 4: A Tour of the Cell 24 Copyright ? 2015 Pearson Education, Inc. Name ________________________ Period _________ # 152826 Cust: Pearson Au: Reece Pg. No. 24 Title: Active Reading Guide for Campbell Biology: Concepts & Connections, 8e C / M / Y / K Short / Normal DESIGN SERVICES OF S4-CARLISLE Publishing Services Chapter 4: A Tour of the Cell Guided Reading Activities Big idea: Introduction to the cell Answer the following questions as you read modules 4.1?4.4: 1. A(n) _______________ uses a beam of light to illuminate the specimen. 2. Beginning students usually confuse magnification and resolution. Briefly compare magnifica- tion with resolution. 3. Which of the following associations is incorrect? a. Light microscope; live bacterial cell

Anatomy - Skeletal System Notes

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Skeleton is composed of (206) bones, cartilage, articulations, nd ligaments--divided into axial and appendicular skeleton Axial- (80 bones) skull, vertebrae, rib cage Skull-22 bones- cranium//8--facial//14--+6 auditory ossicles and 1 hyoid bone Vertebral Column- 24 vertebrae 1 sacrum 1 coccyx Thoracic Cage-24 ribs and 1 sternum Appendicular (126 bones)- upper and lower limbs and the girdles that attach the limbs to the axial skeleton Pectoral girdles- 2 clavicles and 2 scapulas Arms- 60 bones-- 2 humerus--2 radius--2 ulna--16 carpals- 10 metacarpals-- 28 phalanges Pelvic Girdle-2 coxal bones Legs- 60 bones-- 2 femurs, 2 patellas, 2 tibia, 2 fibulas

Anatomy - Articulation Notes

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Movement of bones occurs at joints or articulations Articulations- joints where bones meet Structural classification -- Functional classification Fibrous- no synovial cavity, bones held tightly together by fibrous connective tissue Synarthrosis- immovable joint/ no movement -- examples: sutures, teeth and maxilla/mandible Cartilaginous- no synovial cavity, bones held together by cartilage or ligament. Amphiarthrosis- slightly movable joint -- ex: pubic symphysis Synovial- synovial cavity, bones held together by ligaments. Diarthrosis- freely movable joint - angular movement allowed Most bones of synovial joints are covered by a fibrocartilage pad called articular discs (menisci) Diarthrosis- are divided into subtypes of joints: Gliding/plane joint hinge joint pivot joint

Anatomy - Bone Notes

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Skeletal organization skeleton is divided into the axial and appendicular portions Axial skeleton- skull, hyoid bone, vertebral column, and thoracic cage Appendicular skeleton- pectoral girdle, upper limbs, pelvic girdle, and lower limbs. Bone Classification-adult skeleton contains 206 bones Long Bones- long and slender- found in arm, forearm, thigh, leg palms,soles, fingers, toes Short bone- boxlike-found in wrists and ankles sesamoid bones- special class of short bones, usually embedded in tendons and small except the patella(larger) Flat bones- thin, parallel surfaces, found inroof of skull, sternum, ribs, and scapula Irregular bones- complex shapes, with flat, notched or ridged surfaces. Include vertebrae, facial skull bones and hip bones

Anatomy - Histology - Tissue Notes

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Tissue- groups of closely associated cells that are similar in structure and performance Study of tissues- Histology Four Primary Tissue Groups- Epithelial-Connective-Muscle-Nervous Epithelial-covering (epithe=laid on, covering) occurs in the body as 1)covering and lining epithelium 2) glandular epithelium Found on all free surfaces of the body such as the outer layer of the skin, lining of open cavities of digestive and respiratory systems, lining of the blood vessels and heart, covering the walls and organs of the closed ventral body cavity. Functions of Epithelial Tissue protection absorption filtration excretion secretion Characteristics Cellularity---- composed almost entirely of cells

Anatomy - Integumentary System Notes

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Integument- refers to your skin; means covering --integument is the largest organ of the human body--Components- cutaneous membrane (skin), hair, nails, and exocrine glands (sebaceous and sudoriferous) Function of the Integumentary System: Protection- water loss, heat loss, bacterial invasion, chemicals Excretion- waste removed; excess salt, water, and urea Body temperature regulation- sweating and blood vessel dialation and constriction Cutaneous Sensation- respond to outside stimuli Vitamin D Synthesis- cholesterol molecules are converted into vit. D when exposed to UV rays Blood Reservoir-- holds large volume of blood Two major regions of integument: Epidermis and Dermis

Anatomy - Muscle Notes

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Myology - study of muscles Kinesiology- study of movement of human body Types of muscle tissue - differ from one another by microscopic anatomy, location, and control by the nervous systemMyology skeletal muscle - (striated) attached to bone, multi-nucleated, voluntary\ cardiac muscle - only in heart, striated, 1-2 nuclei, involuntary smooth muscle - (visceral) walls of hollow internal structures, non-striated, one nucleus, involuntary Functions of Muscle Tissue locomotion - movement of the body motion - movement of substances within the body maintenance of posture thermogenesis - muscle contractions produce 85% of all body heat Organization of Skeletal Muscle all skeletal muscle is protected by deep fascia, which surrounds the muscle and holds muscle tissue together


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