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Capitulo 5 Vocab

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1 arrugas Wrinkles 2 caderas las; hips 3 las cejas pobladas thick eyebrows 4 cicatriz la; scar 5 Las facciones grandes (delicadas) large (delicate, small) facial features 6 Facciones las; facial features 7 cejas las; eyebrows 8 imajen la; image 9 aguile?a hooked (nose) 10 puntiaguda pointed (nose) 11 nariz la; nose 12 pelo lacio el; straight hair 13 pelo rizado el; curly hair 14 calvo bald 15 delgado(a) de cintura thin-waisted 16 peque?o(a) de estatura small in stature (size) 17 adelgazar to lose weight 18 aumentar to gain 19 engordar to gain weight 20 faltar to be lacking
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