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Overall themes in Julius Caesar and Animal Farm

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Betrayal and Mob Mentality In every time period, you can see examples of mob mentality and betrayal. These issues were prevalent in both Russia and Rome, in their respective time periods. Both Shakespeare and Orwell wrote works that included these elements. In Animal Farm and Julius Caesar, the issues of mob mentality and betrayal are present.

Jane Eyre

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Summer Reading Assignment AP Literature and Composition Jane Eyre Before returning to school, you will need to read Jane Eyre and complete this organizer, which will guide your reading and prepare you for the quiz, discussions and related assignments. You may use this packet for the quiz. SECTION 1: Background Research The better you understand the Victorian era, the deeper your understanding of Jane?s experiences (and Bront??s themes) will be. Use the space below to record your notes on this era and on Bront??s life. Women?s roles and rights in Victorian England:

the wanderer

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"The Wanderer" Summary: The poem begins with the Wanderer asking the Lord for understanding and compassion during his exile at sea. He cannot avoid going to sea, however, because this life is his fate. The Wanderer goes on to recall the hardships he has faced in his life, like watching his kinsmen be ruined and even slaughtered. He knows that while he is lonely and isolated, he will think about these things constantly. There is no living person with whom the Wanderer can share what is in his heart. He knows that it is dignified for a man to keep his feelings to himself. He then argues that no matter how hard a man tries to contain his emotions, he can never avoid his fate. An ambitious man can conceal his sorrowful heart, but he cannot escape it.

deor's lament

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Deors lament Weyland was a strong man, and he was used to suffering, longing, and "wintry exile." One time, a lesser man, Nithhad, captured him and bound him with tendons. However, Weland overcame that particular hardship, and the narrator will also be able to overcome his struggles. Beadohild had also experienced sorrow in her life, especially when her brothers died. However, she experienced an even higher level of distress when she found out that she was pregnant. She knew that nothing good could come out of that situation. However, Beadohild surmounted this obstacle, and the narrator believes that he can do the same.

Soar book review for the Vow

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Harini Pasupuleti Non Fiction Spoiler Alert The Vow The Vow written by Kim and Krickitt Carpenter is a true story that was turned into a major motion picture. It takes place in the 1990?s and is about the true life story of Krickitt and Kim Carpenters? marriage. Kim and Krickitt, 10 weeks after they were in a car accident in which Krickitt lost all of her memories but except memories about her parents and her old family friends. I loved this book; it was such a bittersweet true story that made me want to believe in fairytale romance. I give this book 5 stars, it was everything I wanted in a book, and it had humor, romance, drama, and most importantly a happy ending.

Animal Farm Responses-EVHS Mrs.Dumonceaux

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Harini Pasupuleti Period 3+4 The general message of the seven commandments is that there can be no leader, and the leadership comes out of the people. It also asserts animal dominance over the human race, and did not want to be like the humans. The point of these commandments was to rule the animals without human aid. Sugar Candy mountain symbolizes heaven, because there is no problems or any difficulty in Sugar Candy mountain. The pigs discourage this because it symbolizes religion which is human like.

Huck Finn Paper

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4 According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the definition of conscience is the inner sense of what is right or wrong in one's conduct or motives. People are born with a good conscience and no prejudices. Prejudice and hate for people of different race and color is taught and not inherent, which means it can also be altered. This change in human conscience is prevalent in the novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain. At the beginning of the novel, Huck?s conscience is undeveloped and stereotypical of an average male from the south. As the story progresses, Huck?s conscience and view of society begins to evolve and he ultimately rejects the master slave idea and begins to move towards equality.

A Midsummer Night Dream

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Jordan Castle Period 1 3/22/13 Word Count: 313 In the Shakespearian story, A Midsummer Night?s Dream, a relationship between love and reason is seen between various characters. When Shakespeare talks about the interplay of love and reason, he is saying that a person can be controlled totally by love and by reasoning but at times, one wins over the other. In the story, a character that is ruled by love is Lysander. In the beginning of the story, Lysander is in love with Hermia, but as soon as Puck puts him under a love spell, Lysander professes his love for Helena. Lysander is completely driven by love and does not take reason into account. Lysander says on page 29, Content with Hermia? No; I do repent The tedious minutes I have with her have spent. Not Hermia, but Helena I love.

Romeo and Juliet Essay

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Because expects or authorities usually have more information, knowledge or wisdom in their area of expertise, one would think people would trust their advice or guidance. But in reality, as the following examples, Juliet and Tybalt, characters in The Tradegy of Romeo and Juliet , do not trust the authorities, and some people do not trust the experts' warnings regarding drugs and junk food, show that people do not put too much trust in the guidance of experts and authorities. In the play, Juliet does not trust her parents, the authorities, are looking out for her best interests, and Tybalt does not believe the prince,the authority, will go through with his threats

Brit Lit

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Anglo Saxon culture values heroic values. Jesus is portrayed as a hero and a warrior. Jesus is preparing for battle rather than just being led to the cross. Jesus initiated the battle himself showing bravery and accepting his own fate to die on the cross. Power of gold. The major focus of the poem, then, is heroism, and the main themes explored are spiritual warfare, Christian versus pagan morality, courage, and the affirmation of faith in God. She uses physical and spiritual courage to rescue herself, her honor, and her people. The Old English poet does not present Judith as a devious seductress as portrayed in the original, but rather concentrates on Judith's submission to God and her Christian heroism.


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