ap european history
1450 Invention of printing press (Gutenberg) => Renaissance 1492 Age of Discovery, Columbus lands in Americas, Inquisition 1517 Luther's 95 Theses => Protestant Reformation, Schmalkadic Wars 1555 Peace of Augsburg - German princes choose either Catholic or Lutheran 1588 Spanish Armada - Spain attacked England, England won under Phillip II 1603 Death of Elizabeth I 1618-48 30 Years' War - Catholics vs. Protestants, France won, included all but Britain 1648 Treaty of Westphalia - Ended 30 and 80 Years' Wars, Catholics Lutherans and now Calvinists all equal 1633 Scientific Revolution - Galileo and heliocentric, Kepler and eliptical orbts, Bacon and scientific method 1688-89