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Republican Party

Chapter 29 Outline

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Chapter 29 Outline Progressive Roots Wealth against Commonwealth: by Henry Lloyd, against the Standard Oil Company The Theory of the Leisure Class: by Thorstein Veblen against ?predatory wealth? and ?conspicuous consumption? How the Other Half Lives: by Danish immigrant journalist Jacob A. Riis, shocked middle-class, depicted the terrors of the New York slums Jane Addams/Lillian Wald: urban pioneers, helped to fuel feminist movement to improve living conditions of the families in cities Raking Muck with the Muckrakers (Culture Exposing) Muckrakers: journalists who worked to get stories of evil- that the people could love to hate Lincoln Steffens: wrote "The Shame of the Cities" which exposed alliance between big business and gov.


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Gerrymandering Intro: This term has already been defined, but there is a bit of funny history for the word. An infamous member Governor Elbridge Gerry drew his state to look like the opposition had a salamander shaped part of the state. Therefore, gerrymandering was born. There are several ways to solve this problem; the main ones are listed below ??NAME AND SHAME? THOSE WHO WOULD RIG ELECTIONS Because election rules are often arcane, those who write them have an advantage. If they move quickly and quietly, they can ?fix? the system to their advantage.

Questions on Chapter 13: Congress

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Roman Caposino November 25th, 2013 Chapter 13 #9-14 AP Government & Politics In order to be reelected, Congressman engage in three key things: advertising, name-tagging, and taking stands on political issues. Congressman are constantly advertising their names to make themselves known in their districts and states and to make voters aware of their existence. Along with putting their names out there, Congressman attach themselves to any good thing that comes back to help their home district. Finally, congressmen often choose sides on political issues such as abortion or gay rights to gain the support of voters with similar views.

Questions on Chapter 9: Political Parties

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Roman Caposino October 21st, 2013 Chapter 9 #1-6 AP Government & Politics A political party is a group that seeks to elect candidates to public office by supplying them with a label?a ?party identification??by which they are known to the electorate. A party exists as a label in the minds of the voters, as an organization that recruits and campaigns for candidates, and as a set of leaders who try to organize and control the legislative and executive branches of government.

APGov - Chart on types of federalism (eras)

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Federalism Chart Directions: Provide at least two bullet points for each box. Be specific in each example. Era of Federalism Basic features Constitutional Features (specific provisions) Court cases- importance Executive or legislative actions Impact Marshall Years: 1801-1835 Growth of national power- especially in economic affairs N/P Clause General Welfare Commerce Clause Judicial Review McCullough vs. Maryland Gibbons vs. Ogden XXXXX Broadened the N/P Clause and Supremacy Clause- resulting in more federal power in such a young country Dual Years: 1850-1932 Limited and separate roles for both national and state governments 10th amendment Reserved Powers Dred Scott vs. Sanford Plessy vs. Ferguson XXXXX

APGov - Party Eras Chart - goes with Wilson textbook - Chapter 9

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POLITICAL PARTIES: PARTY ERAS AP: UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT & POLITICS ERA The Founding 1796 - 1824 Jacksonian Era 1828 - 1856 Civil War Era 1860 ? 1896 Reform Era 1896 - 1932 New Deal Era 1932- 1964 Divided Government Era 1968 - Present DESCRIPTION 1st political party organized Jefferson founded Republicans 1800 ? party intensifies when Jefferson won and Republicans assumed office Party was made up of Northern Federalists and Southern Republicans voters increased by one million built from the bottom to top united the legislative & executive branches (caucus system) by giving legislative branch some control over who can capture the executive branch. It was completely discredited. Replaced by the party conventions

Chapter 19

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Guizen Del Canto AP US History Bailey P3 The American People:?Creating a Nation and a Society Chapter 19: Politics & Reform Politics in the Gilded Age Politics, Parties, Patronage, and Presidents In the late nineteenth-century, Americans ?mistrusted organized power and believed in harmony of interests and laissez-faire.? The federal government was passive and interfered little. The two major parties did not differ in principles, but patronage. Elected presidents would reward the faithful with government positions. Party affiliation generally reflected interest in important cultural, religious, and ethnic questions. Republicans ? ?Regulate moral life but not economic development? - Northeastern Yankee industrialists and Scandinavian Lutherans


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AP U. S. HISTORY PRESIDENTS LIST ? The Young Republic, 1788-1815 1. George Washington, 1789-1797 2. John Adams, 1797-1801, Federalist 3. Thomas Jefferson, 1801-1809, Republican 4. James Madison, 1809-1817, Republican Era of Good Feelings and the Era of the Common Man, 1815-1840 5. James Monroe, 1817-1825, Republican 6. John Quincy Adams, 1825-1829, National Republican 7. Andrew Jackson, 1829-1837, Democrat 8. Martin Van Buren, 1837-1841, Democrat Ante-Bellum Period, 1840-1860 9. William Henry Harrison, 1841, Whig 10. John Tyler, 1841-1845 11. James K. Polk, 1845-1849, Democrat 12. Zachary Taylor, 1849-1850, Whig 13. Millard Fillmore, 1850-1853, Whig 14. Franklin Pierce, 1853-1857, Democrat 15. James Buchanan, 1857-1861, Democrat Civil War, 1861-1865

business and labor vocabulary

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Business and Labor: The Gilded Age (1865-1900) & Progressivism and Populism (1900-1920) 168. Andrew Carnegie: achieved an abnormal rise in class system(steel industry), pioneered vertical integration (controlled Mesabie Range to ship ore to Pittsburgh), opposed monopolies, used?partnership of steel tycoons (Henry Clay Frick?as a manager/partner), Bessemer steel process 169. Standard Oil Trust: small oil companies sold stock and authority to Rockefeller?s Standard Oil Company (consolidation), cornered world petroleum market 170. John D. Rockefeller: Standard Oil Company, ruthless business tactics (survival of the fittest)

The Republican and Democratic Parties

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The Republican and Democratic Parties The modern Democratic Party evolved from the Jeffersonian Republican Party, led and organized by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. The Jeffersonian Republican Party arose as a response to the Federalist Party, headed by Alexander Hamilton and John Adams. Jeffersonian Republicans favored republicanism, a political ideology that emphasizes the unalienable rights of people, a weak federal government, state?s rights, agrarian societal emphasis, and a strict adherence to the principles of the Constitution. The party also opposed the national bank and demoted relations with Great Britain.


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