CS 330 : Discrete Computational Structures
Fall Semester, 2013
Assignment #1
Due Date: Friday, Sept 6
Suggested Reading: Rosen Sections 1.1 - 1.3; Lehman et al. Sections 1.1, 3.1 - 3.4
These are the problems that you need to hand in for grading. For more practice, you
are encouraged to work on the other problems. Always explain your answers and show your
1. [6 Pts] Zhenbi Hu Rosen, Section 1.1: Exercise 12 (a) (c) (e)
(a) If you have the flu, then you miss the final examination.
(c) If you miss the final examination, then you cannot pass the course.
(e) Either if you have the flu, then you cannot pass the course, or if you miss the final
examination, then you cannot pass the course.
2. [8 Pts] Zhenbi Hu Rosen, Section 1.1: Exercise 14 (b) (c) (e) (f)